Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sarah and Picaro

Its completely ridiculous that it has been 18 days since I posted a blog. School is kicking my butt! Within a week finals will be over and I will have a whole month for photo stuff! :)))))) I could not be more excited! I have been working very, very hard lately and I wanted to show off the first in a marathon day of shooting!

Sarah and her beautiful horse Picaro are a match made in horsey heaven. They are so tuned in to one another, its clear they are in love! They sway the same way and move together like they have practiced the dance everyday. The way they move beside each other shows just how linked they are to each other's souls. My little sister rode horses forever (she is on a hiatus because of college!) and being at the barn brought back all kinds of memories from the days of endless horse shows! I will never be able to forget the combined smell of fresh cut grass, alfalfa hay and well polished leather on a sunday morning.

these are my favorite!!!! 

         maybe this one is my favorite photo....

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